March 14, 2010

Weekly Dinner Menu

You might notice that we have a couple of repeats on our menu this week. This is because last week zoomed right by. I can't even tell you when, where or what happened, but I can tell you that we were super busy every night of the week. You will be pleased to know that Taco Bell was NOT on our menu this last week, no matter how busy we were. Alas, this week we are trying to keep things low key and, hopefully, a little less stressful.


Leanne said...

Ok, so I am just stopping by after finding you on Lady Bloggers . . . and you crack me up! (Not this post, specifically, but some of your other ones!!!) I'm so glad I found you . . . oh, and the menu for the week, really . . . YUMMM!!! Mind if I borrow a few? Fun read, for real!

bodaat said...

i just had a taco bell quesadilla today for the first time and i fell in love. :)

Heather @ Simple Wives said...

Love the menu for the week, especially the St. Paddy's Day meal!