April 8, 2010

Easter Recap....a little late

Sorry I've been a bit MIA this week. I've been doing some soul searching and that's, for one reason or another, taken me away from my blog. Anywho, let me show you how we spent our Easter.
The beer hunt was a success!
The weather was a little cold so we found our beers outside and enjoyed them inside. The party started at 1pm and we didn't stop the fun until 9 pm! This day is not for the weak at heart.

We enjoyed plenty of conversation and tried out a game I got for xmas two years ago and never go around to playing, Partini.
Have you heard of it? It's a mix of Cranium and backwards Catch Phrase with some original content mixed in. Silly me, I thought, seeing as the game is named after a alcoholic beverage and all, that it'd be somehow alcohol related. Coasters are used as cards to draw and see what game you will play. That's where the -tini comes in. We all decided it's going into the garage sale pile. At least we know now!
As for the actual day of Easter, we went to church and spent the day at the in-laws where we were woo'ed by boxes of chocolate on our place settings and some delicious desserts. 

We are now appreciating our nice relaxing week as well as recuperating from our sugar-induced comas. I hope everyone had a happy Easter!


Jake said...

You forgot about the Golden Beer!

MommyLovesStilettos said...

Stopping by from SITS. I'm a new follower :)

Laura E. Sanchez said...

oh jeez those deserts looks really amazing, they look so yummy, i wish I could cook something like that.
